Plain Advice On Fast Secrets In

Your biggest strength is Mars changing signs to support your desires and to provide ample octane to fuel you forward. It will be important to also listen to others in your midst so you dont injure people with a turn n burn attitude. Your ruler Mercury in Virgo forms a beautiful angle to Pluto in Capricorn this Saturday, Sept. 15, bringing you back to your center and into your deepest self, allowing you to connect more emotionally and Soulfully with others. You re-discover true meaning by slowing down long enough to feel into the rich potential of something you nearly rushed passed. Be mindful and readily aware and your experience will multiply! While loving Venus may have just entered fellow water sign Scorpio, opening a pleasingly deep channel into your Soul, she is walking straight into the fire as she squares Mars and opposes unpredictable Uranus. This keeps you well aware of what your Soul needs, while also knowing what changes must take place in order to honor this knowing. It can massively stir the pot and life may feel unsettled in spots until the cosmos simmer down.
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