Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Latest Political News, Analysis, Charts, And Dispatches From Washington.

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The latest political news, analysis, charts, and dispatches from Washington. You will now receive the Politics newsletter Markets The most important market news of the day. So you can sleep an extra five minutes. You will now receive the Markets newsletter Technology Insights into what you'll be paying for, downloading and plugging in tomorrow and 10 years from now. You will now receive the Technology newsletter Pursuits What to eat, drink, wear and drive in real life and your dreams. You will now receive the Pursuits newsletter Game Plan The school, work and life hacks you need to get ahead. You will now receive the Game Plan newsletter Through her network of nonprofits and political-action committees such as American Federation for Children and the Great Lakes Education Project , DeVos is pushing to direct public money into private religious schools like Potters House. Since 1989, DeVos and her relatives have given at least $20.2 million to Republican candidates, party committees, political-action committees and super PACs, according to, which tracks money in politics. GOP Chair DeVos, a former chair of the Michigan Republican Party , declined an interview request.

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Plane taking off ONS head of inflation Mike Prestwood said: "This is the highest CPI has been for over two years, though the annual rate remains below the Bank of England's target and low by historical standards. "Rising air fares and food prices, along with petrol prices falling less than last December, all helped to push up the rate of inflation. "Rising raw material costs also continued to push up the prices of goods leaving factories." Inflation means inflation, but who wins? Separate producer price inflation figures showed that the price of goods bought from factories rose 2.7% in December compared with a year ago, as manufacturers started to pass on the higher input costs they are facing following the fall in the pound. The prices paid by factories for raw materials and energy jumped by 15.8% over the year, the largest increase since September 2011. Consumer inflation as measured by the Retail Prices Index (RPI), which includes housing costs, rose to 2.5% in December from 2.2% the previous month. Image copyright Reuters Analysis: Simon Gompertz, BBC personal finance correspondent Air carriers usually push up their fares in December in advance of Christmas and the New Year, so the overall 49% take off in the price of flights this time isn't a big surprise to statisticians. They track dozens of fares - short-haul, long-haul and domestic - and create a mini-index for each category. And what they tend to detect every year is that discounts creep in in the early months, then prices gain altitude for Easter and the summer before dropping again in the autumn.

I was born in Dyersburg, TN. We moved to Gibson County,Medina, TN when I was 9 years old and this has been my home sincethen. My childhood was like most. I had both my parents and they were married until they died. I have 2 younger sisters.We grew up poor, but always had what we needed not what we wanted. ~ What did you want to become when you grew up and what did your parents do for a living? Both my parents were laborers. Neither had a high schooleducation. I always wanted to get a good education anddidnt want to work in a factory.

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